Searching for Google

The googol-sized problem at Google When I first started using the Internet, it was during the time where Google was starting to gain traction as the Search Engine. This was shocking to me, and it kept being that way, for Google’s results were just so much better. You could put Yahoo’s side-by-side and make a comparison and the result was just astounding. A couple of years ago, I decided to delete all the data that Google has on me. Or at least the one that it lets us delete through the Settings. This opened my eyes because the next time I performed a Google Search, the results were so unusable, I realised the “good” results were so because it simple had collected who I am and what I consider to be deemable of clicks. From this experience, I started using Duck Duck Go. Now, I only ever use Google when a DDG search does not give me the results I want. ...

March 14, 2023 · 4 min · 817 words · Sandin

The spiritual web

By the end of last year, a week I was scrolling through the Internet as usual, and by the next one every single meme I received were ChatGPT answers. From people tricking it into think that it was the user, to answering 5 when asked “What is 2 + 2?”. A system that behaves this way cannot be said to be intelligent, surely. ChatGPT was released at the very end of 2022, and it quickly became the fastest growing application ever. There is some sense of concern about it mainly due to its philosophical and ethical implications, but also because of some of its eerie responses. So… what ought we do about it? ...

March 7, 2023 · 5 min · 854 words · Sandin

The Ordinary

Much is said about Whiplash (2016) regarding the acting of its two main characters: the young man trying to be the best he can be, and the old man breaking souls in search of that one great student. The pain Andrew Neiman has to go through to be considered decent by Fletcher, the literal blood he has to give, the relationships he has to give up on, and of course the psychological intensity he is subject to. All those themes have been addressed. ...

February 12, 2022 · 3 min · 440 words · Sandin

The Life Through Pain

It’s been ten years since La Dispute released his sophomore LP, Wildlife. The world is a radically different place, but somehow the record still feels as fresh as when it was first released. Another annotation would have to be made regarding the non-lyrical content of all of La Dispute’s work. As opposed to similar genres like screamo and hardcore where the vocalists are either screaming or carefully singing, Dreyer can transition from a loud scream to a verse that’s being whispered while also transitioning the emotions the voice has to show to match the content that’s being sung. Among other things like good mixing of diverse elements and instruments. ...

October 4, 2021 · 5 min · 872 words · Sandin

Top 3s

Top 3 movies Arrival Text explaining why this is the greatest movie ever: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque elit orci, volutpat nec lacus non, venenatis malesuada est. Donec dapibus posuere mi ut sodales. Duis pulvinar accumsan facilisis. Quisque sagittis nunc mauris, vitae aliquet arcu euismod ac. Sed lobortis imperdiet lorem, eleifend suscipit orci convallis in. Phasellus sed hendrerit ante. Curabitur semper suscipit fermentum. Fusce cursus iaculis mi id vestibulum. In elit lorem, pharetra ac purus ac, sagittis semper dolor. Fusce hendrerit, magna ac finibus malesuada, ex purus eleifend dui, a accumsan odio neque porttitor libero. Fusce commodo est a ornare mattis. Proin aliquam ornare vulputate. Quisque a cursus leo. Integer et massa aliquam, varius nulla non, ullamcorper odio. Donec efficitur dui sit amet metus cursus aliquet. Mauris urna velit, imperdiet sed vulputate non, condimentum vitae risus. ...

10 min · 2107 words · Sandin